• (2025/01/08) We are pleased to announce that The 18th EASIAM Conference will be held in Manila, Philippines from June 30 to July 4, 2025.
    The website of the EASIAM Conference 2025 is available: https://easiam2025inmanila.github.io/easiam2025inmanila/.

  • (2025/01/02) EASIAM new officers:
      Tao Zhou has been elected as President
      Zhiwen Zhang and Minseok Choi have been elected as Co-Vice Presidents
      Xiliang Lu has been elected as Secretary

  • (2024/07/11) We are pleased to announce that the 2024 EASIAM Student Paper Prize has been awarded to the following students. Congratulations to these Prize recipients!
      First Prize
      Yesom Park, Seoul National University
      Second Prize
      Yifei Li, National University of Singapore
      Qingyu Wu, Peking University

  • (2024/07/11) The 17th EASIAM Conference (https://www.easiam2024.org/) was held at University of Macau, Macao SAR, China, June 28 - July 1, 2024.
      Plenary Speakers
      Hans De Sterck, University of Waterloo
      Zuowei Shen, National University of Singapore
      Invited Speakers
      Jingrun Chen, University of Science and Technology of China
      Akiko Fukuda, Shibaura Institute of Technology
      Wei Gong, Chinese Academy of Sciences
      Shizuo Kaji, Kyushu University
      Yueh-Cheng Kuo, National University of Kaohsiung

  • (2024/06/13) Special Issue on the 25th Anniversary of EASIAM (1998-2023) has been published in the EASIAM journal East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics (EAJAM).

  • (2024/03/08) The website of the EASIAM Conference 2024 is available: https://www.easiam2024.org/. Minisymposium proposals, abstract submissions and registration are now open.

  • (2024/02/23) The application for 2024 Student Paper Prize is open now, and the deadline for application is May 15, 2024. Details can be found at http://www.easiam.org/prizes.html

  • (2023/11/27) We are pleased to announce that The 17th EASIAM Conference will be held June 28 - July 1, 2024 at University of Macau, Macao SAR. More information will be forthcoming.

  • (2023/09/19) We are pleased to announce that the 2023 EASIAM Student Paper Prize has been awarded to the following students. Congratulations to these Prize recipients!
      First Prize:
      Ting Lin, Peking university
      Second Prize:
      Changhoon Song, Seoul National University
      Xu Wu, Southern university of Science and Technology

  • (2023/07/19) Schedule of EASIAM Minisymposium at ICIAM 2023 Tokyo is:
    02591 (1/2): 5C (Aug.25, 13:20-15:00)
    02591 (2/2): 5D (Aug.25, 15:30-17:10)

  • (2023/07/19) The annual meetings of SIAM Student Chapters of (1) National University of Singapore held in May
    and (2) Hong Kong University of Science and Technology held in June
    Student speakers from other regions of EASIAM were invited in these two of SIAM Student Chapter meetings.

  • (2023/07/19) Our EC members of Singapore Prof Weizhu Bao and Prof Yao Yao have organized an EASIAM workshop at National University of Singapore in May
    and speakers from several regions of EASIAM were invited.

  • (2023/03/16) EASIAM minisymposium at ICIAM 2023 Tokyo
    Recent advances in data-driven modeling and computational methods
    Abstract : The minisymposium “recent advances in data-driven modeling and computational methods” covers a wide range of topics including topological data analysis, physics-informed neural networks, and data-driven modeling and numerical methods. It provides a platform for experts and junior researchers to exchange ideas and share knowledge in these areas. This minisymposium is organized by the East Asia section of SIAM (EASIAM), and the organizers and speakers represent a broad list of countries covered by SIAM. We hope the minisymposium would provide an ideal opportunity for communication among EASIAM members, and to promote EASIAM internationally.
    Organizer(s) :: Yoshinobu Kawahara, Yao Yao, Zhiwen Zhang
    Speakers Info :
    Masahiro Ikeda (RIKEN AIP Center)
    Angelyn Lao (De La Salle University)
    Ying Ma (Beijing University of Technology)
    Zhichao Peng (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
    Nurul Huda Mohd Ramli (Universiti Brunei Darussalam)
    Fatimah Abdul Razak (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)
    Zhizhang Wu (The University of Hong Kong)
    Jerry Zhijian Yang (Wuhan University)